I love language, and I love place names. So of course, I’m sharing that love while participating in Thursday 13.
I got a little off track because my apartment manager lost my lease, then decided I had to sign a new lease, move out, or be moved out, and I had four days to do it. So that was awesome. And of course they raised my rent because they raise it every time anyone renews. ARGH.And I’ve been clashing with the DMV since July over my car title, which has not been my favorite hobby.
So here’s some good stuff to detract from the stressful stuff.
13 of the best place names I’ve seen this week.
1. Whistling Duck Way
2. Widdicomb Ave
3. Witch Hollow
4. Mother Well Ct
5. Rosebud, AR
6. Stone Forge Pike
7. West Plum St
8. Fox Pointe Cir
9. Frogtown Loop
10. Dawson Bottom Rd
11. Paris, KY
12. Teaneck, NJ
13. Haiku Rd
If you know of any place names that tickle your fancy, feel free to leave them in the comments and I’ll share them with my post next week.
The last time I posted a place list, Neta shared that in a town not far from her, there’s an intersection where, if you turn left, you are on College Way, and if you turn right, it’s called Husband Road. How much do I love that? SO MUCH.

I like Witch Hollow. That sounds like a good place to use in a story.
Oooh, I like it! Thank you so much for dropping by. One of these days I’ll have enough energy to spin a story with the place names.
Frogtown Loop is my favorite. I collect country names from the obits. They are stranger than hippie names. Example: Men – Estole, Masten, Ebb, Macle Women – Ocie, Gerlene, Loveline, Mellie.
Country names really can be wild, can’t they? One of my aunts was “Aunt Nugget.” Although it was nickname she got a child, it’s the only name anyone knew her by.
“Mellie” is kind of a sweet name, but I’ll bet “Macle” took some heat.