Great googly moogly, look at that sunshine. What a shame it would be to be stuck indoors on this lemonade-and-sunglasses kind of day. The temperature is perfect. It smells amazing out there, after yesterday’s rain.
Nope. I can’t possibly spend even 15 minutes writing, today. The sunshine. I must be out in it.
This is when I desperately miss having a garden. Pots on a balcony are nice, but to have an entire morning to myself, shoveling dirt, pinching off leggy plants, finding surprise bugs and volunteer plants, feeling the strength in my back and legs and arms.
Oh man. This is when I’m tired of living in an apartment. I love my apartment neighbors, and the fact that I can have company whenever I crave it, but I do miss the physicality of being able to work on a house and a yard.
In fact, this is a perfect day to go to Spencer Butte. I think I’ll do just that.
So that’s why I’m not writing today. It’s gorgeous and sunny out.

This blog has been taken over by the Write 31 Days challenge. Here’s the sweet, sweet index of all my posts of nope.
Sucked into a game with the kids, building our retirement businesses, facebook time suck…. all the reasons. 🙂 I’m glad you are writing, even if it’s about your excuses for not writing. Love you take on the 31 days, thank you for sharing.
Your FMF neighbor #5
Thanks, Maxine! I was struggling to come up with a topic, so I thought, why not write about that?