Today’s Five Minute Freewrite prompt is: COMFORT.
Beginning last Friday, I’ve been marinating in grief. I’m grieving my husband, marriage, and previous future, and that’s opening me up right down the line to grieving the various dads who have left over the years.
What tipped me over was something so simple, it’s embarrassing. I’m losing my therapist of the last year-and-a-half, because my f*cking insurance changed. So right when I really, really could use the safety net, I lose it. What a contradiction. I need support because I’m freaking out over losing support. Humans are weird monkeys.
So I’m concentrating on comfort.
Fuzzy blanket? Check.
Ratty quilt I made a few years ago? Check.
Lavender and lemongrass candle? Check.
Healthy food in the fridge and freezer? Plentiful coffee beans? Check, check.
More importantly, am I taking 10-15 minutes every day to practice calming myself down? Am I regulating instead of letting emotions steamroll over me? Am I checking in with myself, instead of checking out from feeling entirely? Am I walking? Getting daylight? Talking to friends? Taking appropriate actions so I don’t transmute emotional pain into physical pain?
Those are harder tasks, and they’re also deeply effective. I was given some excellent tools by said therapist, and I can honestly say I’d be in some real trouble right now, without them. He changed my life for the better.
All I can say is, I’m mostly OK. I’m doing better than I would have been, two years ago. I put all my long-sleeved shirts in the car, so I can’t easily put them on in the morning. That helps, too. I’m also taking my own advice. There’s a reason I have this page on my blog, and some of that reason is to keep it handy for myself.
I’m practicing comfort, and I’m practicing softening enough to feel things. Turns out emotions hurt less when I just let them through. Did everyone know this except me? It’s like the difference between choking and drinking. Great mother of walnuts, that’s hard. I’m just so good at slapping emotions away like mosquitoes. It’s only recently that I’ve managed the trick of feeling better after crying, instead of feeling worse. I didn’t even know that was a thing.
Thanks for the tools and for caring enough to have patience with me, Mr. Therapist. You’re the best, and I’ll miss you.
In case you’re having a rough go, too, here’s something that made me literally bounce from happiness.
The “Good Omens” trailer is MAGNIFICENT.
The end is nigh. ⚡️ #GoodOmens: Coming to @PrimeVideo in 2019.
— Good Omens (@GoodOmensPrime) October 6, 2018

This blog has been taken over by the 2018 Write 31 Days challenge. Here’s the sweet, sweet index of all my posts of nope.
Sister, I have been where you are and what I can say from the other side is: there is so much rich, yummy good life to come after you have grieved, really really grieved. It is hard and lonely and sad and did I mention hard? But after allowing myself so much self care, I am happier and healthier than ever before. And that is not hyperbole. Hang in there.
I don’t have words. Thank you for your kindness. I take a lot of hope from what you’ve said.
Health insurance sucks. But you seem to have a good handle on how to deal with all the difficulties in your life right now. Dealing with your emotions instead of bottling things up is definitely good advice. And having the things that comfort you to hand. A very open post.
*hugs* Comfort and learning how to cry and feel better… those are good places to start. Take care!