I’m halfway through Introduction to IT through StraighterLine, which transfers as Fundamentals of IT at WGU. It’s been a bit uphill both ways, but not in a snowstorm. My hours were cut at work, which you’d think would like life easier, but the amount of work we were expected to do didn’t change. We just had to do it in four days instead of five. Which. Huh.
Anyway, I’ve made it this far with fits and starts. It’s easy to see that I was tired for the network portion. I got frustrated and tried to speed through it.

Hours go back to full time on the first of August, which is a mixed blessing just like everything this year. BUT on the upside, my schedule will be 9 hours Mon-Thurs, and a half day on Friday, which, SCORE, and we’ll still be doing a mix of work-from-home and going to the office. It’s all good.
Working from home has really taken my stress down. Turns out it’s easier to work with the public if I don’t actually have to physically be around the public.
Hi Jeremi, Great scores! Hope you are doing well and you are happily working at home (?). I still look at the little Ducky you sent me several years back, and it makes me smile. 🙂 I’m hoping all the best for you in 2021!