This week’s Five Minute Friday writing prompt is: PRAISE.
I think, as adults, we don’t get nearly enough of this. I don’t mean for accomplishments or goals met, but just about general life.
When I was finishing up my last temp job, which lasted six months, I asked someone if they’d mind being a reference for me. She said, “Yes. You’re a good worker.”
And I found out the meaning of the word “stunned.” I think it’s been since college since a peer said anything that matter-of-fact kind. It was effortless, like she’d said the day was sunny. It made me realize just how long it had been.
Since then, I’ve tried to do more of it with friends and peers. Worried about whether you’d messing up as a parent, because you don’t miraculously always know what to do? “You’re doing great. Everyone learns as they go.” Stressed out over job hunting? “You’re a catch. You’ve got this.”
Just simple, truthful, matter-of-fact, not making a huge deal out of it. Because it is simple and truthful. Praise doesn’t have to be earned by moving mountains. It’s the day to day acts that move mountains, not the grant written to get an earth mover and get digger permits. So why only praise when the relocated mountains are done with a magician’s flourish?
Did you go to class? Did you go to work? Did you make sure your kids have shelter? Did you do something to take care of yourself? Did you drink water? Maybe today was harder than usual. Did you take meds? Did you take steps to not self-harm? These things are important. It’s not the mountains that will trip you up – it’s the inconspicuous rock in the middle of the road.
You’ve got this, fellow writers and readers. You’ve got this.
And if you don’t got it? Please, reach for help.

This blog has been taken over by the 2018 Write 31 Days challenge. Here’s the sweet, sweet index of all my posts of nope.
Such a great message, Lucien! Just today a friend genuinely praised me about something and I was taken aback by her words — they sure made me feel good! And speaking of praise, your writing is top notch, in my opinion.
Aw, shucks.
Thank you so much for visiting. I have so many wonderful writings to catch up on this weekend. There was a snafu at work this week, and things went all kinds of sideways, and I missed out on a few days. The horror!
So true. I am trying to do better at offering up words of praise where praise is due. Blessed to be here. I’m in the #20 spot this week.